

Top 3 Exercises for your Core

The best core exercises train your reactive core stability, after all we do not do static planks all day so why should we train our core like that.

To get the biggest bang for your core training start with these 3 exercises:

Dead Bug

Incline Plank

Super Dog


Fixing your Running Over Striding

What is Over Striding? It is where your foot contact is ahead of your center of gravity, this causes 3x the amount of impact forces for every stride which leads to lower extremity injury Most newer runners over stride.

How do you fix it?

Start with the Stride Development drills below:


Stride Development Drills

Stride development drills are an excellent way to improve your running efficiency and prevent running injuries related to overstriding.

The Drills below are sequenced by progressively more difficult levels, once you master the technique at one level then progress to the next level.

Level 1 Drills

Level 1 Stride Development drill to teach basic running mechanics for runners. -Goal of this drill is to develop perfect body position and technique with a f...
Goal of this drill is to practice correct foot strike placement under your center of gravity. -This is very important to master in order to decrease and stop...
Goal of this drill is to develop efficient recovery mechanics, and transfer free energy from power application phase to the high knee phase.
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Ski Book Updates

Iā€™m already working on the second edition of High Performance Nordic Training: A Guide to Taking Your Athletic Ability to the Next Level. Click on the button below and I will send you updated chapters as they are written!